How To Prepare For Fall Bugs in Georgia

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

How to Prepare for Fall Pests in GA 2021

While spring and summer are commonly associated with pests, autumn in Georgia introduces its own set of challenges. As the weather cools, some pests become more active and may seek shelter within the comfort of our homes. The transition to fall brings about a change in pest behavior, making it a critical time for homeowners to be proactive in their pest control efforts.

Among these fall pests, rodents such as mice and rats can become a particular concern as they enter homes in search of warmth and food. These rodents are not just a nuisance; they can cause structural damage by gnawing on wires and wooden structures, potentially creating safety hazards. Additionally, bedbugs, while not considered a major health threat, can lead to itchy bites and skin irritations. Their ability to hide in small crevices and rapidly reproduce makes them challenging to eliminate once they’ve infested a home.

In this article, we will delve into the specific fall pests common in Georgia, the potential risks they pose, and effective pest control strategies. By understanding the dynamics of fall pest control in the state, you’ll be better equipped to protect your home and family from these seasonal invaders.”

Common Fall Bugs to Watch For

There are several fall insects to watch out for, as temperatures cool off, such as ants and cockroaches. However, the following bugs are most commonly seen throughout various parts of Georgia, during the months of fall. 

Centipedes– These guys get a bad reputation (which makes sense, they are super creepy) BUT, while they may be an uninvited house guest, they aren’t all bad. They actually are harmless to humans and do eat spiders, however, finding one as you exit the shower IS alarming. No one wants to witness a creepy 30-legged insect crawling about! Preventing moisture accumulation and sealing your home properly is essential to getting rid of centipedes. 

Silverfish- You may not realize you have a silverfish problem, as these bug are excellent at hiding. They tend to frequent basements, storage boxes, kitchen cabinets and bathrooms. They are wingless, silver colored insects that are known for their destructive feeding patterns. They can ruin paper documents, wallpaper and clothing. Silverfish may also attract other pests, such as carpet beetles. 

Spiders- Most people don’t love spiders in their home. As it happens, fall is the best time of the year to be vigilant when it comes to removing the conditions that attract spiders in the first place. Fall is mating season for spiders, so it may seem there are more around during the months leading to winter. However, if you are proactive and remove cobwebs promptly, as well as seal cracks and turn off exterior lighting when not in use, this will decrease the amount of spider activity in and around your home. 

Crickets- This may be a little known fact, but crickets can breed very quickly. They also are destructive in nature, as they consume fabric, including carpet and clothing. Crickets are drawn to moist, soiled clothing, as well as wool, cotton, silk and synthetic fabrics. Due to potential property damage, crickets must be dealt with immediately.

Bedbugs- The thought of bedbugs strikes fear in most people. They can easily be brought into your home by “catching a ride” on suitcases, clothing and even car upholstery. Unfortunately, once they’ve made their way into your home, they quickly move to your bed, baseboards, walls and electrical outlets. Their bites are quite unpleasant and often itch. Therefore, taking precautionary measures to ensure a full blown infestation doesn’t occur, is your best bet.

Are fall pests more than just a nuisance, or can they cause damage?

Fall pests can indeed pose more significant challenges than being mere nuisances. It’s crucial to recognize that several of these pests have the potential to cause various types of harm, extending beyond the inconvenience of their presence.

For example, rodents, such as mice and rats, are among the most problematic fall pests. They are notorious for spreading diseases and can inflict structural damage to your home. Rodents have a tendency to gnaw on electrical wiring, insulation, and wooden structures, which can pose fire hazards and undermine the integrity of your property.

Additionally, bedbugs, although not immediate health threats, can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, leading to itchy bites and skin irritations. What makes bedbugs particularly concerning is their persistence and ease of spread. Preventing infestations and addressing them promptly is essential to avoid extensive issues.

Understanding the potential risks associated with specific pests empowers you to take them seriously and motivates you to adopt proactive measures for prevention.

Should I Spray For Bugs in the Fall? 

Now that you are familiar with the type of fall bugs often found in Georgia, it’s time to learn how to handle these invaders. Fall pest control may include spraying outdoors. Preventative measures are an excellent way to avoid insects entering into your home or commercial property. Proactive treatments help to protect against current and potential future invaders. 

If you begin to notice fall insects, it is wise to contact a pest management company immediately. Pest control specialists will inspect the property and provide specific recommendations on fortifying the structure. Customized treatments will then be applied inside and outside of the home or commercial property. The use of traps, sprays or other treatment methods are commonly used, depending on the particular situation. 

Should I hire a professional pest control service for fall pests in Georgia?

The decision to hire a professional pest control service or use DIY methods in Georgia depends on factors like the extent of the infestation, your comfort level with DIY treatments, and your availability. In Georgia, where pest challenges can be unique, professional services are often the best choice for comprehensive and effective pest control, especially for fall pests.

How Fall Weather Attracts Bugs

When the temperature drops, you can count on insects seeking shelter and food in a warm space. Insects are cold-blooded creatures, meaning they will perish if the temperature drops low enough. Fall is when people begin to notice these bugs moving inside and taking up residency in the home. Unfortunately, if you don’t get a handle on fall bugs, the population may rapidly increase and quickly become an infestation. Repelling insects as soon as you encounter them is the best course of action if you don’t want them living in your home or commercial property throughout fall and winter. 

How To Prevent Fall Insects and bugs

To prepare for fall pests, inspect the exterior of your home for places that permit them to enter.

  • Search for cracks, small holes, and crevices. If you spot these features, seal them with silicone caulk.
  • Pay special attention to the sections where utility pipes enter your home. If you come across large gaps or holes, then block these areas with steel wool. The roughness of the product’s fibers will dissuade pests from entering your home. Rodents are deterred by steel wool because they are unable to chew through it.
  • Install screens across the openings of attic vents, chimneys and any other places that leave your home open to the elements. This may include pet doors or mail slots.
  • Add door sweeps to the bottom section of your doors, and repair any screens that are damaged. Cracks underneath doors permit numerous critters to enter your home as do torn window screens.
  • Keep your gutters clean by removing leaves and other debris that accumulates in them. This step prevents standing water, which is the ideal place for many pests to breed.
  • Also, make sure that your basement, crawl spaces and attics are dry and well ventilated. You can do this with a dehumidifier.

What should I do if I already have a fall pest infestation in my Georgia home?

Discovering a fall pest infestation in your Georgia home can be unsettling, but taking swift and effective action is essential to mitigate the problem. Here’s a more detailed guide on what to do if you find yourself facing a fall pest infestation in the state of Georgia:

1. Identify the Affected Areas:

  • The first step when dealing with a fall pest infestation in your Georgia home is to identify the areas where pests are most active. Look for telltale signs such as droppings, damaged belongings, or sightings of pests. This knowledge will help you and Flexible Pest Control understand the extent of the problem.

2. Isolate the Infested Area:

  • Once you’ve pinpointed the infested areas, take immediate action to isolate them. Close off rooms or sections of your home where pest activity is high to prevent further spread. Seal doors, windows, and vents if possible to contain the infestation.

3. Contact Flexible Pest Control:

  • When facing a fall pest infestation in your Georgia home, it’s highly advisable to seek professional assistance. Contact Flexible Pest Control, a trusted name in pest management in Georgia. Their local expertise and tailored approach will ensure effective pest control measures to address the infestation promptly. They will provide guidance on preparation and scheduling an inspection to assess the extent of the problem.

Don’t let your guard down as fall approaches! Prevent insects from entering, or taking up occupancy in, your home or business with a preventative treatment spray. If you detect bugs inside or outside your property, the professionals at Flexible Pest Services will attend to the issue promptly. It often takes a trained pest control specialist to identify and address hidden invaders, as well as the conditions that may entice future pests.

Get a handle on fall insects by reaching out today to learn about our pest management options or to schedule a comprehensive inspection!

The Ant Battleground

Types of Ants in Georgia Homes and Why Flexible Pest Services is Essential

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Georgia, with its warm climate and lush landscapes, is a haven for various ant species. While these tiny creatures are vital to the ecosystem, they can become unwelcome guests in our homes. In this blog, we will delve into the different types of ants that can be found in Georgia homes and why it is imperative to engage Flexible Pest Services for their elimination.

The Ant Battleground - Georgia's Ant Species and Effective Solutions

Types of Ants Commonly Found in Georgia Homes

  • Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are prevalent in Georgia. They are relatively large and usually black. These ants don’t consume wood but carve it out to create their nests. This behavior can lead to structural damage in homes.

  • Argentine Ants

Argentine ants are small, dark brown ants that are attracted to sweet substances. They are known for forming supercolonies, which means that their numbers can quickly escalate, making them a significant nuisance.

  • Fire Ants

Fire ants are notorious in Georgia. They are reddish-brown and known for their painful stings. Fire ants build large mound nests and can be aggressive, posing a threat to pets and children.

  • Odorous House Ants

These ants are named for the foul smell they emit when crushed, similar to rotten coconuts. They are small and dark-colored, and often invade kitchens in search of sweets.

  •  Little Black Ants

Little black ants are, as the name suggests, small and black. They are common in Georgia and can be found both indoors and outdoors. They are attracted to a variety of food sources.

The Importance of Employing Flexible Pest Services

When dealing with an ant infestation in Georgia, it’s crucial to have a professional and reliable partner. Here’s why Flexible Pest Services is the ideal choice:

Local Expertise

Flexible Pest Services has extensive knowledge of the local ant species in Georgia. This expertise is invaluable in identifying and effectively treating the specific types of ants invading your home.

Customized Treatment Plans

Understanding that each infestation is unique, Flexible Pest Services offers tailored treatment plans. They assess the situation and devise a strategy that is most effective for your particular ant problem.

Safety and Eco-Friendliness

The safety of your family and the environment is a priority for Flexible Pest Services. They employ methods that are not only effective but also safe and environmentally responsible.

Preventative Measures

Flexible Pest Services goes beyond just treating the current infestation. They also focus on preventative measures to safeguard your home from future invasions.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your home is in the hands of professionals gives you peace of mind. Flexible Pest Services is committed to providing excellent customer service and ensuring that your home is ant-free.

Ants are a common issue in Georgia homes. With the variety of species and the problems they can cause, it’s essential to take swift action. Flexible Pest Services is your ally in this battle, offering expert, safe, and efficient solutions to keep your home pest free with our ant control solutions. Don’t let ants take over your home; take control with Flexible Pest Services.

The Difference Between Bees and Wasps

Fearing the sting, people often use the term “bee” to describe any flying insect striped in yellow and black. Meanwhile, the insect in question may or may not be a bee. In fact, it may instead be a wasp, a quite different type of flying, stinging insect. While bees and wasps are related, their differences are significant for identifying as well as treating them.

Know the Difference

Image of a honey bee
an image of a wasp

Shapes Of Bees and Wasps

While there are several types of bees and numerous types of wasps, a quick means of identification is the insect’s waist. Honey bees, bumblebees, and carpenter bees all have a rather fat middle where their thorax connects to their abdomen. In contrast, members of the wasp family—paper wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, mud daubers, and cicada killers—all sport a distinctively pinched wasp waist between their well-defined thorax and abdomen. This more aerodynamic design lends wasps the remarkable maneuverability and speed that bees lack.

How to Tell The Difference From the Color

Honey bees, bumblebees and even carpenter bees have fuzzy, downy yellow-and-black combinations. Those little hairs help collect pollen. However, among the wasps, colors vary, with no fuzzy down. For example, hornets are patterned in black and white while paper wasps may be reddish brown versus the more common yellow jacket’s shiny yellow and black. While a wasp may at first resemble a bee, the two are quite different.

Purpose of a Bee and also Wasp Species

Honey bees are responsible for pollinating over half of all our fruit and vegetable crops as they collect pollen and nectar to make honey. They also feed on that nectar and pollen. Surprisingly, wasps can also play a beneficial role by preying on and eating other insects and larvae, many of them pests that can harm or destroy crops.

How To Tell The Difference Of a Bee Sting vs Wasp Sting

If a “bee” stings multiple times, it is most likely a wasp. For bees, to sting is to die because a bee can sting a victim only once. A bee’s stinger is an integral part of its abdominal muscles and organs but has a barb to anchor it in its victim. This usually limits a bee to one sting that leaves behind an attached venom sac. In contrast, the more aerodynamic wasps have a smooth stinger that they can repeatedly jab and withdraw with relative ease without doing harm to themselves. Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times. Bee or wasp, only females can sting.

Venom From Bees and Wasps

The power of the sting depends on the capacity of the bee or wasp’s venom sac. While a honeybee can deliver about 50 micrograms of venom, wasps typically deliver a smaller quantity, about 2 to 15 micrograms per sting. The exception is the hornet, which boasts closer to a 30-microgram venom payload per sting. While a bee’s single sting is typically more potent, wasp venom contains a pheromone that alerts other wasps to join the attack.


Social creatures, both bees and wasps will defend their hive or nest against a perceived threat. However, each constructs its own specific type of hive or nest:

Identifying a Bee Nest

bee hive
  • Honeybees will grow and expand a colony over years to number as many as 50,000 bees. Their nests are made of tiers or combs of beeswax. Meanwhile, bumblebee nests usually top off at 200 bees while carpenter bees are solitary creatures. Bees are typically looking for a suitable cavity or space that will hold and shelter their hive. This can include old animal burrows, spaces in rock formations, or protected pockets or void areas in buildings. When a hive grows too large, honeybees will swarm in search of a new site.

Identifying a Wasp Nest

wasp nest
  • Wasps use a nest for just one season, spring to fall. Most construct their nests of a papery substance they make by chewing wood to a pulpy mixture that they then form into tiers or combs. Nests are often ovoid, football-like or umbrella-shaped, with an opening at the bottom. Others may be a single papery layer. Sizes vary widely, as a hornet nest may house up to 700 wasps while a yellow jacket colony may number 3,000 or more. A paper wasp nest may hold a comparatively small 75. Meanwhile, wasps like mud daubers or cicada killers are solitary dwellers. Locations can vary as well. While nests are often found in inconspicuous elevated corners or cavities, some yellow jackets and other wasps will also nest in the ground.

When Bees or Wasps Present a Danger

Bees and wasps can become a stinging danger when they nest too close to or in people’s homes, commercial buildings or public spaces. A single sting can be life-threatening to individuals allergic to the venom. Likewise, multiple stings can be especially dangerous to young children, the elderly, or people with heart or breathing problems. To remove bees or wasps, the nest or hive must be moved or destroyed, which can be a dangerous endeavor.

If bees, wasps or other stinging insects are affecting your ability to enjoy your home and yard, reach out through our website, or call us at 770.450.6524. We have the experience to quickly identify and safely treat stinging insects and their nesting sites. Contact Flexible Pest Services, and let us worry about the pests.

Springtime Pests

Who doesn’t love springtime? The cold, gloomy days of winter are over and flowers begin blooming. While the sun shining and everyone venturing back outdoors is a welcome change, unfortunately, warmer weather can bring on the reappearance of unwanted pests. To prevent springtime pest infestations, it is important to keep homes and yards clean and free of clutter and standing water. We cover some of the more common ones here and are here for your residential pest control and commercial pest control needs.

Springtime Pest Control

Common Spring Pests To Watch Out For

We all know the feeling of enjoying a warm spring day in the great outdoors, only to come across an unsightly backyard pest. These springtime invaders emerge as the weather heats up to begin their life cycle. Common insects typically found to appear in the spring, include ants, spiders, termites, wasps, stinkbugs, rats, and mosquitos. 

Fortunately, the professionals at Flexible Pest Services are armed with expert knowledge and methods to eradicate pests residing in residential and commercial dwellings. Our highly skilled technicians offer personalized treatment plans with flexible contracts and superior service.  

Springtime Pest Control

If you’ve already started thinking about spring cleaning, pest control should be at the top of your list! The first few weeks of spring are the prime time for pest populations to typically increase in size. The change in seasons brings on pesky insects and rodents, whether you are ready or not.

Prevention is key and essential to ensuring you keep your home or office safe and pest-free as the warmer months fly by. Here are a few tips to help deter invaders:

  • Be sure to close up all entry points and cracks by freshening caulk and utilizing screen doors and windows. 
  • Keep trash containers clean and sealed, both in and outside. 
  • Never leave standing water, such as leaky pipes or outdoor areas that may pool water, as that will attract pests.  
  •  Be sure to clean kitchen surfaces, especially sticky or sugary messes.
  • Don’t leave pet food out for an extended period of time.
  • Maintain appropriate grass height and trim trees and plants so they do not become overgrown.

Types of Springtime Pests

Here’s a look at the most common springtime pests, how to spot them and why you don’t want these invaders in your space:


There are more than 700 types of ants! From carpenter ants, to fire ants, to pavement ants, to the common house ant, they may appear small or large, black, brown or red. They spread bacteria and some can even cause damage to your home, as they build nests in wood sources. 

Similar to carpenter ants, termites bore through wood. However, they are more destructive, as they not only reside there, they also consume wood. Most of the time, termites go undetected until it is too late. This is why a professional is needed to properly assess and address a termite infestation. Some say worker termites resemble maggots, clear in color and small. However, they can also appear larger, winged or yellowish. For more information about Termite Treatment check our resources here.


Probably one of the most irritating spring (and summer) pests, mosquitos aren’t just annoying, they also cause harm to humans. Not only will they ruin an outdoor picnic with their buzzing, these insects also have the potential to carry serious diseases when they land on food or pierce human skin. Most types of mosquitos look similar and are small, with narrow, oval bodies and an unmistakable spear-like mouth, called a proboscis. Find out more about our Mosquito Control services here.


Most spiders move indoors during the winter, to attics basements and walls, yet begin to emerge again as the weather warms up. While it is true that some spiders eat other insects, there are many species that are poisonous to humans. Dangerous spiders indigenous to Georgia include the Southern Black Widow, Northern Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Brown Widow, and the False Black Widow, to name a few.

Rodents tend to reproduce quickly, which means an infestation could get out of control fast. These pests prefer dark, damp places, such as basements to seek shelter and food. They can carry a multitude of diseases and are highly destructive, chewing through wooden structures, wiring, and furniture. 

Bees and Wasps

While bees and wasps play important roles in the ecosystem as pollinators and predators of other insects, they can also pose a threat to public safety. Bees can be aggressive if their nests are disturbed, and their stings can cause allergic reactions in some people. Wasps can also be aggressive and sting multiple times, which can be dangerous for people and pets. In addition, some species of wasps can damage crops and gardens. It is important to take steps to control bee and wasp populations when they pose a risk to public safety or the environment. We are here for your bee and wasp control.

How to Prevent Spring Bugs

If you spot any of the spring bugs mentioned above or other pests, the professionals at Flexible Pest Services can address the issue in a variety of ways. We may employ the use of traps, sprays, or other treatment options, depending on your unique situation. Our highly skilled technicians will devise a personalized plan to combat and prevent pests, in the most efficient and effective way possible. Reach out today to learn more about our pest management options, or to schedule an inspection!

Why Bugs Love Your Bathroom

As you step into the shower, the last thing you want to witness is a large spider or winged roach crawling in alongside you. No one wants to share their fresh, clean bathroom with a population of household pests! So why does it seem that some insects are determined to take over your bathroom oasis?

Common bathroom bug the cockroach on a sink
Cockroach on a sink

Common Bathroom Bugs

Spiders, cockroaches, drain flies, ants, centipedes and silverfish are frequently seen in and near bathtubs, showers and sinks. Insects are drawn to the bathroom due to its warm, damp environment. This atmosphere is the ideal location for pests to live, breed and forage.

While most of these pests are just a nuisance, some can pose a risk to one’s health by causing possible allergic reactions. However, while most pests won’t cause humans harm, they can be destructive and multiple quickly. It is wise to get a handle on your pest issue promptly, before an infestation occurs. 

What Are They Attracted To?

Insects appear in bathrooms for a variety of reasons. Typically, the warm, moist conditions commonly found in bathrooms is what draws pests in initially. Insects need water, food and shelter to survive. The bathroom tends to offer all three, particularly when plumbing leaks cause water or humidity to become a factor.

Many pests are attracted to the organic matter found in drains or bathroom surfaces. Debris such as soap scum, hair, mildew and mold located inside drains can also entice pests. Some bugs are drawn to paper goods, cleaners or other products commonly stored in bathroom cabinets and drawers. In most cases, a lone insect won’t pose an immediate health threat, but you should take action swiftly to prevent proliferation.

Most Common Time to Find Bugs in Your Bathroom

Similar to bed bugs, who only emerge at night to feed, some bathroom bugs, like centipedes and silverfish, are nocturnal. This means that you’ll likely only see these insects at night, as they are sensitive to light. They appear in the evening to hunt for food, seek mates and locate sources of moisture to thrive. 

While not all bathroom pests are nocturnal, it is common for pests to emerge at night. Overall, there’s less activity in the bathroom during evening hours, allowing pests to go unnoticed better during this period of time. 

How to Prevent Bathroom Bugs

Whether bathroom bugs have invited themselves into your home, or if they’ve made their way into your corporate office or business, there are several ways you can decrease the chance of encountering bathroom pests. 

By tackling these issues and removing the conditions insects need to thrive, you will dramatically decrease the likelihood of bathroom pests. Here are a few helpful tips:

·      Remove Moisture: Address plumbing issues, leaks or previous water damage promptly. Increase ventilation by installing a fan or dehumidifier.

·      Clean Frequently: Remove wet, dirty towels or clothing immediately. Declutter cabinets and bathroom surfaces as a way of eliminating hiding spots and taking away any potential pest food sources.

·      Attend to Damages: Seal any holes or cracks near pipes, drains, walls, windows and flooring, to decrease the number of entry points into your bathroom.

We Can Help! 

Attempting to eliminate bathroom pests on your own isn’t typically advisable. While a can of bug spray may be effective initially for visible bugs, there could be many more lurking about undetected. It takes a trained pest control specialist to identify and address hidden invaders, as well as the conditions that may entice future pests.

If the presence of bathroom bugs is ruining your ability to enjoy a relaxing bubble bath, contact Flexible Pest Services today!

Understanding Termites and Why They Love to Eat So Much

It can be hard to understand termites and how much they can do for as small as they are, termites really can cause a lot of damage! While they primarily feed on wood, they can also damage other non-wood areas of your home and yard. Termites do not carry diseases that are harmful to humans or animals, however some people may experience allergic reactions or asthma symptoms when residing in a termite infested space. The average termite damage costs homeowners $3,000 in repairs. Read on to learn more about termites and how to treat infestations. 

Termites Common In Georgia

Termites are very common throughout Georgia. In fact, we have some of the highest rates of termite infestations in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 5 homes in Georgia have been, or will be attacked by termites. 

Termite swarming typically occurs in the spring in Georgia, though can also occur during the summer months, to a lesser degree. Ideal swarming conditions include soil with a temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, often in the morning, followed by a warm rain shower.

Understanding Termites and Why They Love to Eat So Much

Understanding Termites Feeding Habits

Termites eat cellulose material commonly found in wood, plants, carpet, insulation, cardboard, fabric and animal feces. In nature, termites feeding on decaying trees and dying plants is helpful, not so much when they begin to infest your home or yard. These pests become a problem when they feed on wooden residential structures, like decks, fences, wooden shingles and furniture. Due to living in large colonies, infestations may go undetected until there is visible structural damage.

How To Treat Termites

There are plenty of “do it yourself” termite treatments on the market. Unfortunately, these products are usually ineffective and do not prevent termites from re-infesting your property. Without specialized training, it can be difficult to detect the precise location of termites in and outside of your home.

Properly trained pest control experts, like our Flexible Pest Services professionals, are necessary to ensure termite treatments are properly applied. Here is the method we use for effective termite extermination:

  • Inspection: A trained technician will inspect your property and determine both the species of termite and the severity of the infestation.
  • Implement: A customized treatment plan is devised based on your unique situation and circumstances. This may include termite baiting, fumigating, liquid defense and/or termite spot treatments.
  • Monitor: Following your treatment, a technician will monitor your home for future signs of termite activity. This continuous, additional layer of security ensures your property is protected from re-infestation.

If you are concerned about the possibility of a termite infestation, our pest control professionals can help. We understand this can be a stressful experience. The fastest, most efficient way to address a termite problem is to contact us at Flexible Pest Services for a FREE inspection today!

How To Make Your Yard Mosquito Free

How to Rid Your Yard of Mosquitos

We all know mosquitos can be a nuisance, but they can also pose a serious health hazard to people and pets. With 175 species of mosquitos in the United States alone, mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent nationwide, including right here in Georgia. Read on to find out how to create a mosquito-free yard that you and your family can thoroughly enjoy and learn how to make your yard mosquito free!

Mosquito Season in Georgia

Many types of mosquitoes hibernate during the winter and return with warmer weather, usually once temps hit 50 degrees Fahrenheit. These pests tend to return to Georgia in March or April and continue to thrive until the temperature drops again following summer. Mosquitos thrive in hot, humid environments, making Georgia a prime location, particularly in the spring and summer.

How To Make Your Yard Mosquito Free

Mosquito Habitats

All mosquitos need water to breed and survive. They prefer stagnant water, so if you live near a pond, marsh, swamp or other wetlands, the mosquito population may increase. Yet, mosquitos can also thrive near any standing water. Be sure gutters are clear, and equipment, furniture and holes in your yard are not collecting water. Always be sure to put any object that may fill with water away, and check for standing water following a rainstorm.

Identifying Mosquito-Prone Areas

Mosquitos breed and lay eggs in water. Inspecting your yard for potential mosquito breeding sites must be done on a regular basis. Eliminating water sources where mosquitos may lay eggs and develop is your first step. Typical mosquito breeding sources commonly include:

  • Clogged gutters
  • Buckets
  • Damaged foundations
  • Ponds
  • Lakes
  • Ditches
  • Swamps
  • Tree/flower pots
  • Puddles
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Pet dishes
  • Birdbath
  • Inflatable pools
  • Backyard toys

Treating Your Yard

Often times professional mosquito control is the way to go when it comes to effectively halting your mosquito problem. Flexible Pest Services based out of Loganville Ga, and serving all of Metro Atlanta will inspect your yard for current and potential mosquito breeding sites and apply a proactive treatment to eliminate adult mosquitos, eggs, and larvae. Insecticide spray applications will need to be applied on a recurring basis to continue to keep mosquitos at bay. All areas of your yard will be treated, including trees, bushes, tall grasses, structural overhangs, decks, and other shady, moist areas. These applications are a quick, cost-effective way to immediately rid your yard of the annoyance and health hazards mosquitos possess.

Call today for a free, no obligation quote. We are here to help you create a pest-free backyard oasis that your family, friends and pets can truly enjoy.

Fun Facts About Termites

Termites have a terrible reputation that strikes fear into the hearts of the owners of residential and commercial property owners almost everywhere. While it can be tough to look beyond their destructive appetites, these insects are actually intriguing creatures. How much do you really know about termites? Here are a few fun facts to spark your curiosity.

A Global Phenomenon

With more than 2,500 species of termites in the world, it’s not surprising that these industrious insects are found on almost every continent. While different species prefer different conditions, termites are not fond of low temperatures, so there are no termites in Antarctica. Roughly 40 species are found in the United States. In fact, subterranean termites are found in every state except Alaska.

In for a Penny

Termites are often called silent invaders because they slip into buildings and feast on wood and other similar materials unnoticed. How do they manage it? Their ability to squeeze through even tiny gaps in a structure’s building envelope helps. Some termites can gain entry through cracks that are roughly the width of a penny.

Feeding Appetites

Termites may be best-known for their taste for wood, but there are several species that turn the tables on these insects and use them for a food source. Anteaters, pangolins, aardvarks, echidnas, aardwolves, birds, other bugs and people all munch on termites. In Singapore, termite queens are regarded as a delicious treat. They’re often served up either live or preserved in rice wine.

Medicine From the Amazon

In some regions of the Amazon, termites are thought to have medicinal properties. Some prescribe a hot, sugar-sweetened serving of boiled termite soup to cure whooping cough. For those fighting the flu, a prescription to inhale the smoke from a burning termite nest might be the healer’s recommendation.

Nearly as Quick as a Blink

Termite colonies can be incredibly large with populations numbering in the millions thanks to their speedy reproduction capabilities. Consider this. On average, people tend to blink every five seconds or so. Termite queens lay one egg every 15 seconds. That’s one egg for every three blinks, and it adds up to some 30,000 eggs a day. A queen’s lifespan can stretch up to 25 years, so it’s easy to see why the sight of even one termite should worry homeowners.

Are termites a concern for you? If you suspect termites are threatening your residential or commercial property, don’t wait, and contact Flexible Pest Services. Serving the owners of homes and businesses in and around Atlanta, Georgia, we take pride in delivering top-notch professional pest control with personal service. Our highly trained team is ready to rid your property of termites and other troublesome pests. To learn more about our services or request a free estimate, call us today.

5 Things You Might Be Doing That Attracts Pests in Your Home?

Insects and small animals such as mice are always looking for new places to live. If you aren’t careful, your home could become a prime target. Aside from the nasty germs, you also have to consider the potential property damage that could occur. Here are five things you may be doing to attract pests to your home.

Failing to Maintain Your Yard

Not only does keeping your yard neat enhance your property’s appearance, but it also helps deter pests. If you fail to do things such as mow your lawn and collect old leaves, your home will ultimately become a hot spot for certain pests. Simple tasks, such as cleaning your rain gutters, can make a big difference as well.

Providing Reliable Sources

Like you, pests need reliable sources of food and water. Don’t make it easy for pests by providing these necessities. After eating a meal, some families have a bad habit of tossing their leftovers outside. From ants to rats, expect a wide variety of different pests to be on the prowl. It’s also not a good idea to keep garbage near your home for long periods of time.

Allowing Stagnant Water to Remain on Your Property

Be sure to eliminate sources of stagnant water on your property. Although a lot of different critters are attracted to water, mosquitoes are especially problematic. These blood-sucking insects need standing water in order to develop eggs. Mosquitoes will quickly transform a small puddle into their new breeding spot. Old tires, empty flower pots, an even toys can easily collect excess rain water.

Not Properly Sealing Your Home

Small cracks and holes will give pests easy access to your home. If your doors aren’t properly sealed, don’t be surprised to see roaches and spiders scampering inside. For good reason, rodents are considered to be an even bigger problem. These disgusting pests can make your life at home a total nightmare.

Ignoring the Importance of Keeping a Tidy Home

Although any home can come under attack by pests, keeping your house clean will give you an extra measure of protection. Make it a priority to sweep and vacuum your floors on a regular basis. Even tiny bread crumbs will draw pests into your home. Also, take the time to get rid of any old boxes. Bed bugs and roaches can use them as hiding places.

You can contact Flexible Pest Services for all of your pest control needs. Our highly trained technicians promise to give you and your family an extra peace of mind. Call for a free quote on service.

Are There Different Species of Termites?

Entomologists have identified approximately 2,000 species of termites worldwide and 45 species in the United States. The behavior and biology of each species impact the preferred environment, nest location and propensity to attack homes. The various species are broadly classified as either subterranean, drywood or dampwood termites. In Georgia, one type of drywood and two types of subterranean termites are the most common varieties found.

Eastern Subterranean Termites

Eastern subterranean termites are extremely common in 36 of the 48 continental states. In addition to the economic impact these termites have on the timber industry, approximately 20 percent of all homes built in areas of high activity will be or have been attacked by these particularly voracious termites.

Eastern subterranean termites typically build underground nests that are between the water table and the frost line. They then construct mud tubes to travel between the nest and food sources. These mud tubes are often found on the walls or foundations of homes that the termites are attacking. However, they may also construct subsidiary nests inside walls or other voids if moisture collects in that area.

Formosan Subterranean Termites

Native to China, the Formosan subterranean termite was first discovered in South Carolina, Texas and Louisiana during the 1960s. Since then, they have also been found in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina and Mississippi.

One colony of Formosan termites may consist of millions of individuals; the colonies of species native to the United States usually contain a few hundred thousand. A mature colony often consumes more than 12 ounces of wood each day, inflicting severe damage on a home in little more than three months and significant structural damage in less than six months.

The nesting habits of the Formosan subterranean termite are virtually identical to those of other subterranean termites. However, Formosan termites require less moisture than other species, allowing them to build nests above ground if other conditions are right.

West Indian Drywood Termites

West Indian drywood termites are also known as furniture termites since they are quite willing to infest movable objects. They construct their colonies inside the wood that they infest, and because they do not need to travel between a nest and a food source, they do not normally build mud tubes. However, they may occasionally build tubes to serve as a bridge to a nearby piece of wood.

Colonies are relatively small, seldom exceeding 5,000 individuals. Unfortunately, the small size of the colonies means that they usually establish multiple colonies within the same structure. Small colonies also allow them to infest objects as small as a picture frame or windowsill. They can build colonies in tables, doors, headboards, chairs and cabinets as well as in the wood used to construct or trim the home. Drywood termites prefer sound wood rather than wood that has started to decay.

Let Us Help You

If you suspect that termites have invaded your home, contact the professionals at Flexible Pest Services. We proudly serve multiple Georgia towns and offer an extensive range of safe, effective solutions for pests of all types, including termites, wildlife, stinging insects, roaches and fire ants. Contact us today to request a free quote.