Springtime Pests

Who doesn’t love springtime? The cold, gloomy days of winter are over and flowers begin blooming. While the sun shining and everyone venturing back outdoors is a welcome change, unfortunately, warmer weather can bring on the reappearance of unwanted pests. To prevent springtime pest infestations, it is important to keep homes and yards clean and free of clutter and standing water. We cover some of the more common ones here and are here for your residential pest control and commercial pest control needs.

Springtime Pest Control

Common Spring Pests To Watch Out For

We all know the feeling of enjoying a warm spring day in the great outdoors, only to come across an unsightly backyard pest. These springtime invaders emerge as the weather heats up to begin their life cycle. Common insects typically found to appear in the spring, include ants, spiders, termites, wasps, stinkbugs, rats, and mosquitos. 

Fortunately, the professionals at Flexible Pest Services are armed with expert knowledge and methods to eradicate pests residing in residential and commercial dwellings. Our highly skilled technicians offer personalized treatment plans with flexible contracts and superior service.  

Springtime Pest Control

If you’ve already started thinking about spring cleaning, pest control should be at the top of your list! The first few weeks of spring are the prime time for pest populations to typically increase in size. The change in seasons brings on pesky insects and rodents, whether you are ready or not.

Prevention is key and essential to ensuring you keep your home or office safe and pest-free as the warmer months fly by. Here are a few tips to help deter invaders:

  • Be sure to close up all entry points and cracks by freshening caulk and utilizing screen doors and windows. 
  • Keep trash containers clean and sealed, both in and outside. 
  • Never leave standing water, such as leaky pipes or outdoor areas that may pool water, as that will attract pests.  
  •  Be sure to clean kitchen surfaces, especially sticky or sugary messes.
  • Don’t leave pet food out for an extended period of time.
  • Maintain appropriate grass height and trim trees and plants so they do not become overgrown.

Types of Springtime Pests

Here’s a look at the most common springtime pests, how to spot them and why you don’t want these invaders in your space:


There are more than 700 types of ants! From carpenter ants, to fire ants, to pavement ants, to the common house ant, they may appear small or large, black, brown or red. They spread bacteria and some can even cause damage to your home, as they build nests in wood sources. 

Similar to carpenter ants, termites bore through wood. However, they are more destructive, as they not only reside there, they also consume wood. Most of the time, termites go undetected until it is too late. This is why a professional is needed to properly assess and address a termite infestation. Some say worker termites resemble maggots, clear in color and small. However, they can also appear larger, winged or yellowish. For more information about Termite Treatment check our resources here.


Probably one of the most irritating spring (and summer) pests, mosquitos aren’t just annoying, they also cause harm to humans. Not only will they ruin an outdoor picnic with their buzzing, these insects also have the potential to carry serious diseases when they land on food or pierce human skin. Most types of mosquitos look similar and are small, with narrow, oval bodies and an unmistakable spear-like mouth, called a proboscis. Find out more about our Mosquito Control services here.


Most spiders move indoors during the winter, to attics basements and walls, yet begin to emerge again as the weather warms up. While it is true that some spiders eat other insects, there are many species that are poisonous to humans. Dangerous spiders indigenous to Georgia include the Southern Black Widow, Northern Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Brown Widow, and the False Black Widow, to name a few.

Rodents tend to reproduce quickly, which means an infestation could get out of control fast. These pests prefer dark, damp places, such as basements to seek shelter and food. They can carry a multitude of diseases and are highly destructive, chewing through wooden structures, wiring, and furniture. 

Bees and Wasps

While bees and wasps play important roles in the ecosystem as pollinators and predators of other insects, they can also pose a threat to public safety. Bees can be aggressive if their nests are disturbed, and their stings can cause allergic reactions in some people. Wasps can also be aggressive and sting multiple times, which can be dangerous for people and pets. In addition, some species of wasps can damage crops and gardens. It is important to take steps to control bee and wasp populations when they pose a risk to public safety or the environment. We are here for your bee and wasp control.

How to Prevent Spring Bugs

If you spot any of the spring bugs mentioned above or other pests, the professionals at Flexible Pest Services can address the issue in a variety of ways. We may employ the use of traps, sprays, or other treatment options, depending on your unique situation. Our highly skilled technicians will devise a personalized plan to combat and prevent pests, in the most efficient and effective way possible. Reach out today to learn more about our pest management options, or to schedule an inspection!