Termite Control

Termite Control

Termite Control Services

Every year, termites are responsible for over $5 billion in property damage. Establishing a termite colony in your home can lead to costly repairs. Being proactive is crucial when dealing with these destructive pests. Prevention is essential to safeguard your property. When you enlist our termite control services, we establish a barrier to protect your home from termites. We apply a termite repellent that prevents these pests from swarming your property. Whether you’re dealing with a current infestation or looking to prevent one, we are here to assist! Our pest control experts will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to assess the situation. Should termites be found, we will discuss a strategic plan to tackle the infestation effectively.

Understanding What Attracts Termites to Your Property

Termites are attracted to several conditions and materials found in many homes, making understanding these factors crucial for preventing infestations. Here are some of the primary attractants that can make your home vulnerable to these destructive pests.

Moisture: One of the most significant attractants for termites is moisture. These pests thrive in damp environments, so areas of your home with water damage, poor drainage, or leaky pipes are prime habitats for termites. Ensuring that your property has effective drainage and addressing any moisture issues promptly can greatly reduce the risk of attracting termites.

Wood and Cellulose Materials: Since termites feed primarily on cellulose, any wood or cellulose-containing materials in contact with the ground can serve as a food source for them. This includes firewood, landscaping mulch, and old tree stumps near your home’s foundation. It’s important to keep such materials away from your house and to use termite-resistant wood or treatments where possible.

Dark, Hidden Spaces: Termites prefer dark, undisturbed areas where they can establish colonies without interruption. Areas like crawl spaces, basements, and attics that are secluded and have cellulose materials are especially attractive to termites. Regular inspections and good ventilation in these areas can help deter termites from settling in.

Cracks in Foundations: Even the smallest cracks in your home’s foundation can provide an entry point for termites. These pests can enter through gaps as thin as the edge of a credit card, so sealing any cracks or openings in the foundation and around utility lines can help prevent their entry.

Proper Landscaping: Your home’s landscaping can also play a role in attracting termites. Ensure that soil, mulch, or wood chips are kept at a sufficient distance from your home’s foundation. Additionally, trim any shrubs or trees that may provide a pathway for termites to enter the home from the ground. 

Termite Damage

Subterranean termites are the most prevalent and economically impactful type of termite. Species like the Eastern Subterranean termite are particularly known for their ability to damage wooden structures. These termites thrive underground, forming large colonies that use the soil for moisture and protection. They build mud tubes to reach their food sources, primarily consisting of decaying wood found in homes and commercial buildings. The destructive nature of subterranean termites poses a significant risk to property owners and managers. In contrast, drywood termites, which are more common in coastal areas, infest dry wood and do not require contact with soil. The Western Drywood termite, for example, lives directly within the wood it consumes and produces small pellets that indicate its presence. Although not as common as subterranean termites, dry wood termites can still inflict considerable damage on wooden structures and necessitate specific treatments to manage infestations.

Signs Of A Termite Infestation

Mud Tubes: Subterranean termites construct mud tubes or tunnels that extend from the ground to the infested wood. These tubes are typically small, brown, and about the width of a pencil. Finding these tubes on the foundation, walls, or wooden structures is a strong indicator of subterranean termite activity.

Damaged Wood: Termites feed on wood from the inside out, leaving a thin layer on the surface while hollowing out the interior. Tapping on or probing wooden surfaces may reveal a hollow sound, suggesting termite damage. Wood that appears bolstered, darkened, or exhibits maze-like patterns on the surface can also indicate an infestation.

Discarded Wings: After swarming, both subterranean and drywood termites shed their wings, leaving them behind. These discarded wings can be found in piles near windowsills, on the floor, or in spider webs. They are often small and translucent, resembling fish scales.

Termite Droppings: Drywood termites push their excrement out of tiny kick-out holes, creating small piles of granular pellets known as frass. These pellets are typically hexagonal and vary in color depending on the type of wood consumed, making them an important sign of termite infestations.

Sagging or Buckling Floors: When termites damage structural supports in a building, it can lead to sagging or buckling floors. This is a more advanced sign of infestation and indicates significant structural damage.

Cracked or Bubbling Paint: Subterranean termites can cause the paint on the surface of the wood to crack or bubble as they tunnel beneath it. This can be an early warning sign of an infestation, especially on window frames and baseboards.

Visible Swarms: During termite swarming seasons, which vary by species and location, you may see large groups of winged termites flying around light sources. These swarms can be an obvious sign of an active colony nearby.

Pest Management and Termite Prevention

Regular Inspections: Arrange for frequent termite inspections with our pest control experts to spot early indications of infestations.

Seal Entry Points: Close off any cracks, gaps, and openings in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof to block termite access.

Maintain Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation in crawl spaces and attics to lower humidity levels, making these areas less appealing to termites.

Eliminate Moisture Sources: Repair leaks both inside and outside your home and resolve any drainage problems that could lead to moisture accumulation.

Keep Wood Away: Store firewood and other wooden materials away from your home’s foundation and off the ground.

Proper Landscaping: Keep soil and wood siding or mulch separated by a clear space. Trim shrubs and trees to ensure they do not contact the house.

Regularly Inspect Wooden Structures: Regularly check wooden structures like decks and fences for signs of termite damage.

Monitor Mulch: Apply mulch carefully, ensuring it stays at least 6 inches away from your home’s foundation.

Install Termite Baiting: Consider installing barriers or baiting systems. Our baiting system helps deter termites from nearing your home and manages existing infestations.

Regular Maintenance: Continuously maintain your home, promptly repairing any damaged or decaying wood to minimize the risk of termite infestations.

Frequently Asked Termite Questions

How often should I have my property inspected for termites?

It is recommended to have a professional termite inspection at least once a year. Properties in high-risk areas may require more frequent inspections.

What is the difference between termites and ants?

Termites have straight antennae, a uniform waist, and wings of equal size. Ants have elbowed antennae, a pinched waist, and wings of different sizes. Knowing the difference can help you identify a termite infestation more accurately.

What should I do if I find termites in my home?

Avoid disturbing them and immediately contact a professional pest control service. Disturbing termites could cause them to spread and make the infestation harder to treat.

Contact Us

Termites can be difficult to detect without professional expertise. Scheduling regular inspections and implementing preventative measures are crucial steps to protect your home from significant damage. We prioritize keeping your property safe, beginning with comprehensive inspections conducted by our well-trained technicians. They meticulously check for signs of termite infestations, including live termites, and any damage they may have caused. After assessing the extent of the situation, we develop a tailored termite control protection plan to effectively combat these aggressive pests.

Our termite control treatments and preventative strategies employ safe and cutting-edge techniques to ensure the health of your family and pets while preserving the integrity of your home. You can trust our knowledgeable team to provide long-lasting, effective solutions that focus on natural methods and your peace of mind. Don’t let termites compromise the security and structure of your property. Contact Flexible Pest Control today to learn more about our termite control services and other pest management solutions we offer. Let us help you secure your home against termites and ensure it remains safe and sound.